Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Cloud computing and you

Think of cloud computing as an internet desktop. You connect to a cloud and all your files and programs appear before you as a desktop in your internet browser. You can word process, make presentations and make images and store files here and they will be accessible like a computer from anywhere with an internet connection.
This also means you can synchronise all your files and documents between more than just computers. Mobile devices like smart phones and PDAs can also connect to the cloud and get your stuff, too.
There are other uses for the cloud, but for most this it what it will be like. And it is growing in popularity every day, with more and more servers being added to the cloud, our hardware expenses go down. Because everything is being handled by computers elsewhere, we don't need to pay for expensive hardware. Would you use the cloud? Is it worth the trouble? Comment and tell me.


  1. Always wondered what is cloud computing o.o

  2. i would use the cloud if i travel a lot. i wouldn't want to put any personal information there. also, it won't be effective if you live in an area with slow internet.

  3. Hi, I got a Cloud Computing Hosting plan and have no regreats. 9/10

  4. Being the paranoid bastard that I am, I always keep my relevant files on physical drives in places where I can easily reach them. Cloud computing is a wonderful thing, but still too unreliable, in my opinion.

  5. This has been around for a while, but still it's useful if you travel alot. What I want to see is cloud gaming!

  6. Wow, so it's like an online desktop and storage. So you can access your files and do your work from any computer anywhere in the world, without the use of a memory stick. I like it, i will definetely be using this in the future when i start to work in multiple places and on the go

  7. oh, it's great to know what cloud computing is. followed

  8. Great post man, didn't know much about the cloud before this.. :D

    You might wanna check out this site, they have a bunch on stuff like this!

  9. il stick to my physical network/desktop, but i don't travel much so guess it doesn't matter lol. but great post.

  10. Until now I did not know what cloud computing is, thank you!

  11. what happend if you live a country with slow internet?

    this is why I wouldn't.
    also, following.

  13. I saw a similar blog somewhere. You might be interesting. If I find it, i'll let you know.

    Nice choice of topic. :)

  14. In 5-10 years I think everything is going to be cloud based. You'll essentially be buying screens with ram/processors that are just shells to run programs off the cloud.

  15. From Apple's iCloud i have my doubts. In a country with maximum 1Mbps internet speed how exactly will users use the clouds?

    But it's Apple so every fanboy gonna jump into it with a smug face.

  16. i think it's scary how your files are at other peoples place.
